“Organisations will only thrive and grow if they know who works for them, what skills and gifts each person brings to the organisation and how best to apply these. A company’s performance can be maximised through the targeted application of talent”
How do you find the right person for each position?
We at Treetops have been active, often setting the pace in the field of assessment centres and psychometric services. Do you know how to attract, develop and retain talent?
We at Treetops have a practical and holistic approach to Assessment Centres and Psychometric Services. Our assessments and assessment processes are transparent, culturally fair and conforms to the South African legislative and professional requirements. Our Managing Director; Johan Greeff, played an active role in the Task Group that defined the Guidelines for Assessment Centres in South Africa.
Assessment Centre can be defined as:
"a variety of testing techniques designed to allow candidates to demonstrate, under standardized conditions, the skills and abilities that are most essential for success in a given job" (Coleman, 1987).
"Some sort of in-basket exercise which contains contents similar to those which are found in the in-basket for the job which is being tested. Other possibilities include oral exercises, counseling simulations, problem analysis exercises, interview simulations, role play exercises, written report/analysis exercises, and leaderless group exercises" (Coleman, 1987; Filer, 1979; Joiner, 1984).
"Assessment centers allow candidates to demonstrate more of their skills through a number of job relevant situations" (Joiner, 1984).
The Treetops Approach can be best captured by the following diagram:
Our Assessment philosophy is one that “believes that people are defined by their unique strength” as these are the reason for their success. Strengths need to be applied to the unique requirements of each position and to align candidates’ strengths with positional requirements. We have an extensive library of Job Profiles. The Assessment Centre consists of practical case studies, interactive exercises, interviews and standardises psychometric instruments.
The duration of an assessment will depend on the position, but can range from 1.5 hours to a full-day.
The most important step in any assessment process is feedback to the individual, his/her manager and the organisation. Here assessment centres are not only used for the group and selection purposes, but for development purposes as well. Each individual’s report is complemented with a 2-year Development Plan.
Besides our Assessment Centres, Treetops also facilitate 360° assessments and feedback. 360° assessments is a process whereby staff, peers, managers, internal and external clients give feedback to their managers on their performance and leadership skills. This process is managed confidentially and all results are supported by integrated development planning and one-on-one coaching.
- Creates a space for no-nonsense and personal feedback to managers around their performance from their staff.
- Feedback is facilitated in a confidential manner through an objective third party (Treetops Consultants).
- Complements existing performance management processes and performance reviews.
- Creates a sound platform for further coaching and development.
- Gives managers the opportunity to request feedback on issues, performance and growth they have questions about.
- Creates a measurable baseline perception of performance against which change and growth can be measured in future.
- Makes the distinction between leadership intention and observed behaviour visible for managers.
- Can be used as a powerful follow-up to Assessment centres (1 to 3 year timeframe).